Burgess Edge System- A Better Way to Edgeband“When building projects out of plywood, glueing strips of hardwood to the exposed edge is the typical way to make the shelf look like a solid wood panel.
The problem is that applying these strips can get to be a real chore…”
“Improved Edgebanding — The Burgess Edge system eliminates both of these problems. This system consists of two router bits. One bit cuts a concave recess in the edige of a 3/4″ plywood panel…The other makes matching convex profile in a peice of hardwood. The result is perfectly aligned edgebanding.”
Excerpt from Article in Workbench, April 2004
The Burgess Edge 3/4″ Bits
Price: $129.00 (plus shipping)
The Burgess Edge 3/4″ Bits are a patented, matched pair of router bits that enables the user to edgeband plywood in a unique and superior edgebanding process.
For more information and to purchase our excellent Edgebanding products please check out our online store.